
Once the set-up is complete you may start communicating with the modem. Ensure you have already connected the transducer then start the modem by executing the script. The full path to run the main file from the user directory will be


This command will run the test-modem process with the default settings. Most parameters can be conveniently changed by editing the file. The table below lists them.

Modulation-independent parameters

Parameter label Possible values
ID (source address) id int [1;15]
Carrier frequency carrier int (Hz)
Modulation technique modulation flex,janus,flexofdm
Output amplifier gain gain float [0.01;0.99]

Flexframe-specific parameters

(only evaluated when modulation=flex or modulation=ofdmflex)

Parameter label Possible values
Modulation flex_psk Listed in Overview
Interpolation interpflex int [5;20]
Inner FEC scheme intFEC Listed in Overview
Outer FEC scheme outFEC Listed in Overview

JANUS-specific parameters

(only evaluated when modulation=janus)

Parameter label Possible values
Bandwidth bandwidth int (Hz)


Once the script is up and running, the modem opens a TCP socket on port 55555 to communicate with the user. You may use netcat to connect to the socket, typing

nc <SuM IP address> 55555

Alternatively, the socket can be opened locally: open another SSH terminal and connect to the modem (as in quickstart) then type

nc localhost 55555

Afterwards data can be sent and received through the terminal.

Having problems transmitting/receiving data? Take a look at the troubleshooting section.

Toggling autostart

If you wish the modem to start listening and transmitting to the socket port 55555 automatically after startup you may enable the autostart service by typing

sudo systemctl enable sumd.service

In order to disable the autostart feature instead type

sudo systemctl disable sumd.service